Male infertility

Discover the Best Male Infertility Solutions at Sarthak Fertility and IVF Center

Male infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child due to issues with sperm production or function. It can result from various factors like low sperm count, abnormal sperm shape or movement, hormonal imbalances, or underlying health conditions. At our Sarthak IVF Center, we unravel these complexities, offering insights and tailored solutions to address male fertility challenges, guiding you toward the possibility of fatherhood.

Male Infertility

A. Semen Analysis*: A semen analysis accurately measures the number of sperms, the motility, morphology, volume, and consistency of the ejaculated sample. It’s a simple test to undertake, and our dedicated staff will support you with any diagnostic or surgical services you need. The semen sample is used to determine whether the male is fertile. This requires a masturbation specimen collected in a sterile container obtained from the laboratory.

B. Critical Morphology*: for some patients, we may recommend testing for DNA fragmentation within the sperm, in case of experiencing with recurrent miscarriage or several unsuccessful treatment cycles, this test is a detailed evaluation of sperm structure sperm chromatin structure Assay and is mat done by most labs.

C. Diagnostic Semen Wash: This laboratory procedure accomplishes an extraction of the sperm out of the semen with re-suspension of the sperm in another solution. This diagnostic test is necessary for all IVF procedures as well as for other selected indications. It involves a 1- or 2-day advance scheduling with the lab, and collection of the specimen into a sterile container.

D. Endocrine Studies: When a male factor problem is not explained is not explained by the above studies, hormone evaluations are frequently done. This can include LH, FSH, testosterone, prolactin, and thyroid studies. Our center provides the above-mentioned hormonal testing.

Male Infertility Surgery Treatment/ Andrologist

Causes of Male Infertility

Male infertility is very common. About one in twenty men is subfertile and a male factor is present in half of all infertile couples. About one-third of all IVF procedures are performed for male factor infertility.

It must be remembered that the testis has two distinct roles. The first is to produce the male sex hormone, testosterone, which is important for providing sex drive, erections, and strong muscles. The second function of the testis is to produce millions of sperm every day, a process that occurs inside the approximately 150 meters of fine tubes in each testis. For most infertile men it is only this process that is at fault and a reduced number or poor quality of sperm is produced.

Male infertility is very common. About one in twenty men is subfertile and a male factor is present in half of all infertile couples. About one-third of all IVF procedures are performed for male factor infertility.

It must be remembered that the testis has two distinct roles. The first is to produce the male sex hormone, testosterone, which is important for providing sex drive, erections, and strong muscles. The second function of the testis is to produce millions of sperm every day, a process that occurs inside the approximately 150 meters of fine tubes in each testis. For most infertile men it is only this process that is at fault and a reduced number or poor quality of sperm is produced.

Why does this problem develop? We now believe that most cases are genetic. In other words, these men are born without the genetic information that would allow sperm production to occur normally. Small pieces of the Y, or so-called male chromosome are often missing in men with severe infertility. Presumably, these missing pieces of genetic information are the cause of poor sperm production. But we need much more research before we can point to particular genes. Without that knowledge, no treatment for men to improve sperm counts is likely to become available. IVF techniques offer hope now as they require much fewer normal sperm than does Nature.

In the remaining one-third of infertile men, we can find a likely cause for their infertility including:

Obstruction to the passage of sperm from the back of the testis to the outside can result from blockage or absence of the vas deferens. Common causes include, obviously, vasectomy, but any history of injury, and other surgery or sexually transmitted disease may be important.
Men can make antibodies to their sperm following vasectomy or other trauma or infection. These antibodies are a common cause of infertility and prevent sperm from swimming or sticking to the egg. The testis can be damaged by a wide number of treatments including chemotherapy or X-Ray therapy.
Some men have difficulties obtaining an erection, or in ejaculating due to a wide range of problems such as diabetes, MS, or previous prostate surgery. In these cases, sperm can be found and used for IVF.
Rarely, a deficiency in the brain's pituitary hormones may result in low sperm counts. Its detection is important as it is readily treated with hormone injections.
Finally, there remains great controversy as to whether sperm counts have declined worldwide. The alleged change is quite small (about 15%) and no cause has been confidently identified.
In conclusion, while the causes of infertility are uncertain in many men, certain conditions can be identified and treated. These facts make it essential that all infertile men have their situation thoroughly investigated.

The basic male investigation begins with a detailed history and physical examination by our andrologist. Semen analysis and serum hormonal profile (FSH, LH, Testosterone, Prolactin, and TSH) represent the first-line investigations. History of hernia surgery or mumps in childhood, lifestyle (excessive exercise or steam/sauna), sexually transmitted infections, or trauma will all be noted. Use of medication, alcohol, drugs, and occupational and environmental exposure to toxins such as heat and other chemicals will also be recorded.