[trx_sc_services type=”default” featured=”none” featured_position=”top” hide_excerpt=”” no_margin=”1″ icons_animation=”” popup=”” cat=”37″ orderby=”post_date” order=”desc” title_style=”default” title_align=”center” link_style=”default” count=”16″ columns=”4″ title=”All About Birth Control Methods” subtitle=”birth control methods” description=”Birth control is how you prevent pregnancy before it begins. There are lots of different methods that work really well and are easy to use.”]
[trx_sc_action type=”default” full_height=”” actions=”%5B%7B%22position%22%3A%22mc%22%7D%5D” slider=”” title_style=”default” title_tag=”h1″ title_align=”center” link_style=”default” title=”Which Birth Control Method is Right For Me?” subtitle=”birth control” link=”/our-services/” link_text=”Take the Quiz”]
[trx_sc_title title_style=”default” link_style=”default” title=”Discouraged by the Cost of Birth Control? We Can Help” subtitle=”birth control” description=”We do our best to help you afford the birth control method you choose — no matter what your situation is. Whether you have your own health insurance, are on your parents’ plan, or don’t have insurance at all, we’ve got you covered. Find a health center near you.” class=”descr_83″]
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